
Fragmented thoughts and ideas.

2024 #


Think beyond AI, at least think beyond Gen-AI. 它的本质是统计。对于个人来说,还有什么别的戏好唱?


Google has changed the sign-in page for some time.

  1. Is it necessary to tell users we’ve changed to this UI (that you must manually close to close the banner)? Or the purpose is to re-emphasise the new design language
  2. Why leaving these two buttons this wide on bigger screens?


Suno AI has been creating fascinating music, really, really fascinating.


今天浏览了三个神仙联名发布的e-Conomy SEA系列报告。20-22年疫情期间的内容很常规,以委托发问卷 + 一些测算更新和回顾为主,最大的洞见可能就只是消费者对digital services的接受度上升和习惯的改变(这或许有些太人尽皆知),适合让实习生整理成时间序列,然后内部画图的时候就能用上(乐)。19年和23年的报告,一头一尾好像还有些看的,随手胡说八道一下:

  • 电商和网约车(包括外卖配送)的发展是超过预期的,整体来说各个赛道的轨迹跟国内高度接近,例如在帮你约车的同时推销点小额贷
  • 电商(+ 电子支付)、网约车的习惯基本养成,但外卖还不一定(这个与城市化程度、以及东南亚老百姓到底需不需要叫外卖的灵魂拷问之间不无关系)
  • 互联网基建的问题基本都解决了,网络计费也在大众可承受的范围内
  • 头部玩家基本结束了获客阶段,往提高用户参与(engagement)和盈利能力走
  • 城市地区贡献了超过50%的digital economy value,但只占据全部人口的15%(19年),建议多关注非城市地区、un-/underbanked的人群(但这个建议或许有些骨感)
  • 越南在统计的六国中数字化程度最高(但19年也只是小幅超过5%的水平)
  • SEA面对宏观不确定性和疫情冲击时,表现出比其他市场更强的resilience

展望的主题23年定为profitable growth,这个是挺务实的。因为机构一直以早期轮次投得比较多,较靠后的轮次投得少而且难退出,SEA新创的盈利能力没有想象中的好,退出比较难。我能想到比较合适的退出现在就只是M&A这一条路子,各个赛道跑出来一两个龙头垄断就差不多了,虽然现在看上去价格战还要打一会儿,但是很快就没钱打了。


最后的感想是确实好多数字,好多规模,这里million那里billion,但脑子里如果没有参照物=what’s the point? 这也是摆在面前的课(坎)题(儿)……



People have sides. People mentally evolve.


윤여정 @나영석의 나불나불:

그렇게 산 좋고 물 좋고 정자 좋은 데가 어딨어?

There’s no place with perfect mountains, waters, and nice pavilions.

TV Series: Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2024) (3.5)

Great setting and script. The couple is giving me The Good Fight Marissa and Jay vibe, and dramatic in a different way. It’s like a U-turn starting from E06 and a cliche ending we see on Killing Eve.

By the way, I really love the intro logo animation designed by FutureDeluxe, the sound of this opener designed by Zelig Sound, and the new branding of Prime Video designed by Pentagram, so satisfying and clean.

Amazon Prime Video Intro Logo Animation

IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes


I’m just so curious about how UMG came up with this idea to break up with TikTok if it isn’t some political insider knowledge. There must be something to learn from, for example, how they played with the numbers and sold this illusion to the C-suite.




Using ∞ to represent eight or “00” is a lazy design.




I strongly recommend Do the Work by Steven Pressfield to anyone who has many thoughts but only keeps them in a secret list, and then forgets the list.



Note: wants to help recruiters test candidates’ real skills. So more text-based case prompts and longer answers, less SHL and VI screening probably. 魔法打败魔法, use another gen-AI to generate AI-less contents and again feed it back to a third gen-AI. How much nonsense content are we gonna have in this foreseeable future?

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Stream页面加上了 Scrobble。

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在手机端Mastodon App搜索url,可能会需要一点时间,但整体还可以,在没法用搜索API或其他方式直接在评论者的server调用的情况下,只能这样苟着了哈哈哈。




好像差不多调试好了 stream 页面自动发出 webmention。

2022 #

Album: Serenade by Sunwoojunga (4.0)

Can you find another all-rounder like Sunwoojunga? A stunning full-length 정규 album shows off her ability from every perspective. “Interview” sets up a cosy but also mixed mood. “Run With Me” soaks everyone in the Korean sentiment with powerful, empathetic strings and vocals.

“Serenade” tells stories wittily and “Multi Player” joins smoothly, starting a much loosen atmosphere which continues to the end. To some extent, the appealing of consistency inevitably leads to similarity until “Superhero” cracks everything open and gives space for lights to come in. The second half of the album is much more dynamic, such as the quirky and experimental “My Birthday Song” as a great example of using synthesisers.

Listeners could sharply grasp the emotions Sunwoojunga would like to convey through her unique and solid vocal skills. Get astonished by “Run With Me” then step by step, track by track, enjoy the singing freedom with her and hold a parade in “Life” and “Invisible Treasure”.

“To Zero” resets everything and “Classic” keeps the pop music form but stylish in every way, signing her name proudly on the album with this brutal end.

Lyrics are so important in this album since Sunwoojunga often starts her creation by writing first. Though for non-Korean speakers it may be difficult to understand the delicate meanings in lyrics, it is also quite interesting to first speculate everything only based on rhythms, melodies and scattered English, and then to check the translation to see whether new ideas were generated. Just try to find some time and listen to it non-stop as if you were wandering around in the amusement park with the artist.

Spotify,, YouTube Music, Apple Music (CN)

Album: Ambient 1: Music for Airports by Brian Eno (5.0)

Ahead of its era, “Ambient 1: Music for Airports” does far more than staying in the background of a futuristic airport but for everyone to attach emotions and make the most of it. “1/1” is filled with zen fermatas, carrying notes like waterdrops, doing everything but also nothing to empty your mind. Repetitions might be dreary or tedious for some people, but there are differences in the background to be detected and understood if trying to immerse oneself in. “1/1” is also the most suitable and functional one among the four tracks.

“2/1” unfolds with generous and expansive vocals. Sunlight, but rather intensified, tranquil and remote. It waits and remains, saves time for you to walk into it, to take a sunbath, on your own initiative. Then “1/2” comes in as the stopover to see the piano and vocals blending with each other in detail.

You may get lost in the ambitious synthesiser sounds of “2/2”. It scales up quite suddenly. Even though the former track lasts more than 10 minutes, not much connecting and digesting job has been done. However, concerns could be eased when it plays to the middle, especially for listeners willing to swing with the inner flow, grasping the opportunities to discover layers and depths.

The importance of this album is effortlessly being told by “1/1” standing alone, while “1/2” tells stories of vocal use, frequency and the blanks in between. Both of them are easy to adapt and drift away. “2/1” and “2/2” may be less graspable generally but still have their narrative.

Spotify,, YouTube Music, Apple Music (CN)

Album: Long Blue Light by Leif Vollebekk (3.5)

“Long Blue Light” could be in one of your relax playlists, just to sit back and unbend yourself. Great at conveying solitude and casualness with light lyricsim and the end falling apart. It could also be in your road playlist since it is easy to sing along.

“29 #Strafford APTS”, a Bon Iver cover, is much like a statement or a memoir of the artist’s teen age. Instruments are beautifully knited. It is much subtle and melodic with refurbished overdubs if comparison between cover and the original is necessary. But to me it is more like a different flank of a hill, this one tracing back the history but looking forward to a mist-lifted future.

Spotify,, YouTube Music, Apple Music (CN)

2021 #


Hey. I just want you to know that — you can make great decisions. Just forget about those scars left by the limit of what you cannot hold.

2020 #



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