

进行邮件清理后,我试着对自己的信息源进行管理。我把自己获取信息的途径分为三种:信息聚合类应用、订阅邮件和 RSS 订阅源。信息聚合类应用包括 Medium 、微信订阅号和知乎专栏这种长文聚合,以及 Quora 的问答、端传媒等新闻资讯应用。在这之中比较难管理的是微信订阅号。有部分作者有个人博客的,我都将其收进 Reeder 用 RSS 订阅的形式阅读,但部分只有个人公众号的作者,需要进一步对内容作出筛选,或者寻找能 push 的第三方服务。使用邮件订阅或 RSS 的形式阅读,最大的优点是即时离线存档,不仅便于日后阅读和搜索归档,也避免了一些文章被封锁的风险。


Leo Babauta 在他的著名博客 zen habits 中提到了一个很有趣的观点。他认为生活的简化是一种循环的模式:

The Simplicity Cycle goes something like this (it’s a little different each time):

  1. Inspiration phase: You find something that sparks an interest, and you start exploring it (reading about a new topic, diving into learning a new subject, exploring a new activity or hobby, creating a new project or venture, etc.). This is the inspiration phase.
  2. Addition phase: This leads you to more complexity, as you explore, buy things, read more and more, find new inspirations and ideas. This is the addition phase.
  3. Contemplation phase: At some point, you might pause to consider the bigger picture of what you’re doing. Is this the best way? Is this really important? If it is, what’s the most essential part of it? Can you pare down? Many people skip this phase (and the next) and just keep doing the first two phases.
  4. Paring Down phase: If you decided that you want to pare down, this is where you start to let go of things. You figure out what’s essential to what you have been doing and learning, and if you don’t scrap the entire thing completely (which can happen), you might just keep a few key things. For example, if you start learning about chess, you might buy a set (or two) and a bunch of books and apps and go on a bunch of websites. But in the paring down phase, you might decide that chess isn’t important enough to keep in your life, or if it is, you only need one chess set, two really key books, and one website or app. The rest you let go of. Again, many people skip this step.

它分成四个阶段:探索阶段、深入阶段、思考阶段和削减阶段。在前两个阶段,你大量的获取和收集感兴趣的信息,并且进行了一定的拓宽。例如在偶然一则热带风暴的新闻中,记者提到了风眼这个名词,由此你上网查找资料以了解这个天气的成因、结构等等。单个天气系统不足以满足好奇心,你转而寻找能够集合这类资讯和推送给你的信息源,久而久之,你可能就拥有了一定数量该领域的信息源。这两个阶段是你好奇心和能力拓展的主要阶段,但在前两个阶段我们做的工作可能会比较盲目,你可能不常会回看这些订阅关注的信息源,而这些信息源在之后也许会因为各种各样的原因停用,或是转为其他内容。为了让自己获取的信息更有价值、阅读更高效,我们要做的并非一开始就抑制自己收集信息的想法,而是收集之后再简化。就像 GTD 中 Inbox 的概念一样,在这里我们也需要一个无形的 Inbox 把它们收集起来。




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