Hybrid #4

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It took me a long time to figure out why founders don’t listen. At first I thought it was mere stubbornness. That’s part of the reason, but another and probably more important reason is that so much about startups is counterintuitive. And when you tell someone something counterintuitive, what it sounds to them is wrong. So the reason founders don’t listen to us is that they don’t believe us. At least not till experience teaches them otherwise.
What I’ve Learned from Users - Paul Graham
My shortest short stories are like little dreams I’m having—I forgive myself for not totally knowing the place, not totally knowing the people, and not even totally knowing their exact problems or the exact problem of the place. Did I convey the feeling I wanted? Great. We out.
Writer Bud Smith on putting in the work – The Creative Independent
It got me thinking that way as well. I was always obsessed with the Saturn return idea—the age between 27 and 32, where basically you enter a certain kind of space of criticality where life can be super challenging, but it allows you to figure out who your true self is. I also have a lot of references to home in my own work, so one thing that was really interesting about collaborating in that way was that in a way we both had similar issues. There are formulas that think about the geometry of space and light and textures and the way that they align with our own personal metaphors, our own personal mythologies. And she was centering her frame line, her obsession with the black rodeo culture in the South. We’re both from the South, but I feel like she had more experience with that than I did.
Artist Jacolby Satterwhite on trusting your own process – The Creative Independent
When I let myself be permeated by this thought – that I might be stuck with certain inner disturbances forever – I definitely feel a bit of peevishness in response: “Wait, I’m never going to get to the problem-free phase? That’s not what I signed up for!” But then comes the sense of a heavy burden having been lifted. The pressure’s off. I get to unclench, relax, and fall back into the life I’m living. Far from this being dispiriting, I find myself much more motivated to get stuck in. It turns out my really big problem was thinking I might one day get rid of all my problems, when the truth is that there’s no escaping the mucky, malodorous compost-heap of this reality. Which is OK, actually. Compost is the stuff that helps things grow.
What if you never sort your life out? | Oliver Burkeman
我犹豫入群的原因就是如此,从一个沉默的群,加到一个新群,新群刚开始热闹一阵后很快就陷入了沉默。毕竟毕业将近 20年了,还能保持联系的同学寥寥无几,我们能聊的话题,翻来覆去还是关于高中时期短暂的交集。 ⋯⋯ 为了弥合人与人之间的距离,为了找到失去的附近性,我们应该减少屏幕时间,多出去走走。去和那些生气腾腾的人交谈,去跟久未谋面的朋友联系,重新找回丢掉的中圈友谊。
But today, it seems that the term web2 is being perpetuated as a strawman to encompass all the follies of human nature and civilisation with some vague underpinning of centralised finance and some blockchain integrations in the fold. A marketing and PR effort to rewrite history and to redefine the internet and the WWW with an arbitrary hard line—before and after blockchain. The implication is that everything in this world, software or otherwise, that isn’t somehow connected to a distributed cryptographic ledger, is web2, and that it is bad.
But, aren’t you folks web2? - nadh.in
着急要上ChatGPT这艘船的王慧文,被他的朋友们当成了船票 - 品玩
I used to blame advertisers for that restlessness and dissatisfaction, but I don’t think that’s right. We were already restless; we always have been. The advertisers just figured out how to nurture, tend, exacerbate, and capitalize on the pre-existing condition, that innate restlessness, promising that something new is going to set all to rights. When the flashing sidebar connects that hand lotion, those hiking boots, a beach vacation, or some rugged SUV with satisfaction, joy, and inner peace, it sure feels like we’d be suckers not to buy it. And when that thing inevitably disappoints, we hardly even notice. There’s always something new to buy. That narrative of elusive satisfaction isn’t just something we’re repeatedly being told; it is a story we’re literally buying into all the time. No surprise, then, that when our beloved to whom we once upon a time “pledged our troth” inevitably disappoints, we start thinking it might be time to get a new beloved.
Repair and Remain - Comment Magazine
And like the small towns of Sinclair Lewis’ day, these vertical communities have the ability to use social ostracism to punish those who deviate from consensus norms and political objectives.
We now live in a world where our communities exist in three dimensions — the familiar hodgepodge of local humanity in two dimensions, and our self-sorted online spaces in a third.
So for now and for the foreseeable future, our public goods are provided locally, but our social interaction happens in the cloud. In theory, this could be a dangerous recipe.
So I’m worried about the future of our public goods. I’m worried that the online space will fragment and degrade horizontal communities, but will never manage to fully replace them either. We need to find some way to get along with the human beings who live within physical proximity to us, even as we continue to spend much of our time online. Vertical communities must make their peace with horizontal communities…somehow.
Vertical communities - by Noah Smith - Noahpinion
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