Hybrid #2

摘录 #
周保松:公共生活的意義 #
⋯⋯第三,承接以上所言,公共生活總意味著我們與他人在一起。我們在一起討論,一起行動,一起感受,也在一起改變。我們雖然有不同的身分,卻總希望在公共生活中彼此尊重,沒有人會因為出身、階級、性別、信仰等差異而受到歧視。公共生活很重要的一點,是看到和承認他人與你是平等的存在,享有同樣的權利。我們因此要學會聆聽、容忍和尊重不同的觀點。 公共性總是和開放、多元、民主這些價值聯結在一起。
王小波:积极的结论 #
The Verge with Matt Mullenweg, How WordPress and Tumblr are keeping the internet weird #
…There’s people that are sharing. That’s really, really exciting to me because it’s kind of like the personal web…I go to a Medium article, or even a Substack article, and I read the article and I just remember Medium or Substack. I actually forget the author because the sites all kind of look the same. How do you bring that — not just the editorial voice, but also the visual personalization — that you can really have your own home on the web?
…I don’t think creators getting paid is dependent on blockchain technology. That’s a separate trend that’s happening that is part of the disintermediation of distributors. Essentially, what the social networks did was they allowed people to go more direct than before…The power is in the hands of creators. I love that salaries are going up for writers and editors and all these sorts of things.
Automattic 一直给人感觉非常社区化、非常团结,从雇人的理念上就比较不同,更希望在对公司和产品真正感兴趣的人中招贤纳士。而且公司以及产品都非常注重社区的维护,例如 WordPress 的本地化,贡献者名单存放有序,而且 fully accessible。在开源和闭源、非盈利和盈利之间的微妙平衡,依然跟社区的形成不无关系,健康的用户社区自己就能把雪球越滚越大。
最近对「平台与个人」的问题也有所感触。文字载体、加入智能推荐算法的平台,往往存在「平台大于个人」的倾向。以 Medium 为例自然不用说,也可以从 Twitter 的发展中看到(尤其是时间线上智能推荐的加入)。读者能不能记得创作者这个人,一个是创作者的名字要绝对 show up,像 RSS 阅读器里订阅博客,博客的名字/作者的名字作 label。另一个是用户 discover 的参与度,通过内容溯及创作者和通过创作者溯及内容是完全不同的,后者第一印象就建立在创作者本身,而且参与度更高。
像 Matters 一直在说要做去中心化的写作社群,加入种种 web3 的技术和理念,如果没能扭转读者「认为平台大于个人」的倾向,那给写作者再多的工具也于事无补。
Cho Hae-joang, The Spec Generation Who Can’t Say “No”: Overeducated and Underemployed Youth in Contemporary South Korea, 2015 #
…It seems that to them, kindness is something to be purchased. Since they do not expect kindness without financial compensation, they tend to be moved by a little kindness and caring by professors..They have deeply internalized the principle of the “survival of the fittest,” while having little sense of “deserving inalienable rights” as students, as children, or as members of society.
…I found the enlightening distinction Michel Feher draws between the free laborer of liberal capitalism and the labor subjectivity of neoliberal capitalism that is generated and maintained through an endless process of human capital development…To Feher, liberal capitalism draws on the concept of the free laborer, which is understood as a social being…Free laborers think of their labor power as commodity but believe that they themselves are not commodities.
…A student confirmed her observation, saying, “I feel bad thinking that I have to feel guilty for not getting involved.” In fact, many of my students work hard to block reality out of their lives so that they could avoid being disrupted and disturbed.
韩语中有个外来词叫 ‘스펙’(specification),意思为「各种能证明自己能力和履历的证书、文凭、资格证等」。英语里 specification 往往作「规格;说明书」等义更常见,就像一场语言上的巧合,嵌入人被物化的简单事实。延世大名誉教授趙韓惠貞在 2015 年发表的这篇论文,关注的焦点在于韩国的「过度教育」问题、年轻人在校的「冷感」以及进入社会后的「半失业」状态。她认为这样一场对学历的追逐、对(阶层上的)安稳的希望以及衍生出对自我与社会的冷漠(特别是与轰轰烈烈的上世纪 80-90 年代相比而言),与自由资本主义向新自由主义的转型不无关系。
她引 Michel Feher 的观点,Feher 首先区分出新自由主义的产生和维持依赖于无休止的人力资本。进而关注微观个人,认为诞生出一种新的劳动主体即新自由主义主体,他们并不拥有人力资本,却要对人力资本进行投资,结合经济学,劳动者应当追求投资的收益最大化,同时收益应该具有一定的可测度性,进而无可奈何地适应资本导向,放弃在自我、社会与政治方面的边界与分寸。韩国教育市场在进入千禧年后私人化程度已经臻于成熟,所以家庭在这场主体转型中也扮演着格外重要的角色。
Casey Winters, Feature/Product Fit #
…Feature/Product Fit has a similar process. We’ll call this the Feature/Product Fit Checklist:
- The feature has to retain users for that specific feature
- The feature has to have a scalable way to drive its own adoption
Mistakes Feature Teams make searching for feature/product fit:
- Mistake #1: Email your entire user base about your new feature
- Mistake #2: Put a banner at the top of the product for all users introducing the new feature
- Mistake #3: Launch with a lot of press about the new feature
原文拿 Pinterest 举例,非常精准:
- Like 和 Pin 同时存在,高频/一级按钮定义的不明,用户到底该用哪个?
- 地点 Pin 事实上把 Pin、Board 与用户之间的距离拉的更远;
- 网格显示方式下 Pin 创建者的露出,反而退回到底是搭建「社交」网络还是「兴趣」网络的岔路口,同时也无谓地占据了更多的显示空间(它本身很难说形成 KOL 或有频繁发布的用户存在)。
Wesley Aptekar-Cassels, A few things that could be poetry #
- The right combination of street signs, viewed from a artful vantage point
- Words on bit of packaging, torn to reveal and conceal as needed
- The output of a command line tool, perhaps unexpectedly
- Overheard words, drifting along, liberated from their initial context
- A form, at first appearing bureaucratic, revealing humanity on deeper reflection
- An idea, if you consider it divine enough
Hybrid 是一个内容摘录计划。
Ambient EP “Scene” 已在 Bandcamp 与 SoundCloud 上架。
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